Why a blog in 2024? 🤔
Ok, here we are, so let’s try to answer this question.
First of all, I’m not only a software engineer, I’m also Paolo, a 23 y/o guy with other interests besides computer science. I chose to build the portfolio section of this website to reach new clients and show my works to companies who want to start new collaborations or even hire me. But the blog section, instead, addresses to all those who share same passions and thoughts as me.
I also want to improve my english writing skills, just like I’m doing in speaking and listening (podcasts, YouTube videos, TV series and so on). My goal is to reduce grammar error and become more fluent as if english was my mother tongue. Feel free to correct me. In 2024 it’s an essential skill if you want to grow and get out of your comfort zone. I would also like to improve my French, but it’s more difficult since I haven’t studied it since 2015. 😅
Then for my projects I had to read many articles from other developers’ blog that were very helpful. In this way I hope to help someone else who is struggling just like I was and also giving advices about everyday experiences, like reading a book, watch a TV series, etc.
I’d say we can start, have a good reading. ✌🏻